FIBRE aiming at upgrading to OMF6 by 2017

FIBRE aiming at upgrading to OMF6 by 2017
After analyzing the results of the prospecting projects and matching them to a list of technical requirements, FIBRE’s technical Committee decided unanimously for OMF6 as the new Control Framework to be adopted by FIBRE. The cOntrol and Management Framework (OMF) is a suite of software components, which provides management, control, and measurement tools & services to users and operators of networking testbeds. OMF was originally developed for the O

Call for video lectures using FIBRE

Call for video lectures using FIBRE
(This news item is presented in Portuguese only) Resultado da chamada de Exercícios Práticos do testbed FIBRE Lista dos selecionados: Alex Rabelo Ferreira (UFG). Fabiano Costa Teixeira (PUC Poços de Caldas). Lafaiet Castro e Silva (UFG). ====================================================================================== Buscando aumentar o número de exercícios práticos para o uso do FIBRE em aulas de rede de computadores, lançamos a se

Building FIBRE’s roadmap: short-term projects for prospecting new solutions

Building FIBRE’s roadmap: short-term projects for prospecting new solutions
(This news item is presented in Portuguese only) Para facilitar a investigação de novas tecnologias para evoluir o testbed FIBRE, o Comitê Técnico (ver o Modelo de Governança) selecionou 6 projetos de curta duração, com o objetivo de implementar provas de conceito nos seguintes temas: Openstack-based future Internet testbed (proposto pela UFSCar) Usando XOS para Gerenciamento de Infraestruturas experimentais (proposto pela UFPA) Openvirtex no

FIBRE in the classroom

FIBRE in the classroom
Future Internet testbeds can be useful not only for experimenters but also for teaching networking classes, both in conventional environments and online courses. Access to experimental facilities like FIBRE allows students to have a hands-on experience that is impossible to provide with local resources. Additionally, the use of a large-scale testbed introduces the students to a real-world situation, instead of using software tools to simulate networks in t...